First Steps to Your Career (2) with MP3 CD/1片

First Steps to Your Career (2) with MP3 CD/1片網路好書牆構



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  • 優惠價:95523

  • First Steps to Your Career (2) with MP3 CD/1片

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      First steps to your career is designed to assist intermediate learners of English in making their language skills a valuable tool for professional advancement. First steps to your career includes a variety of activities to prepare students for both professional and casual office interaction. Topics are specifically tailored to help learners make their way in today’s ever-changing business environment.

      -Listening comprehension exercises develop students’ listening skills by entertaining them with lively conversations and new stories.

      -Each unit’s grammar focus outlines key points and allows students to put tips into practice.

      -Class activities allow teachers to get students out of their seats and speaking with classmates.

      -Culture corner sections expose students to the many differences between Eastern and Western business practices.

      -Two reading sections per unit develop students’ reading comprehension skills using a variety of topics related to the modern business world, including a look at some successful startup companies and the art of negotiating in the workplace.

      -Vocabulary activities help students to better remember newly learned terms by putting them to use right away.


      創作者 熱門好書語言學習 的頭像


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